In order to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid... -Epictetus

Sunday, March 27, 2011

¡El Esposo está en casa!/The Husband is home!

The Husband is back from his eight-day trip to Mexico. He spent his time there providing medical treatment in a very run-down area south of Guadalajara, Mexico. He came back frustrated with his Spanish. He could express most of what he needed to while he was down there. However, he had a really hard time once patients decided to elaborate and provide details about their conditions. Some of the stories he told about his colleagues confusing Spanish words were hilarious (I kinda wish they were mine!). Although, honestly I don't know how someone would confuse 'pulmones' with 'cajones'. Look it up... although the definition of 'cajones' probably won't jive with the slang. :)

Luckily, while he is frustrated, he is still motivated. We've continued to speak Spanish around each other. I find I like to listen to it and read it, while The Husband prefers to study grammar and rules. Put us together and we make a great team!

I'm starting to look into local (Kansas City area) language schools. Hopefully I'll be able to take a language class this summer. In the meantime, we'll keep trucking along!

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