In order to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid... -Epictetus

Monday, July 12, 2010

En la fase dos/On to Phase Two

Alrighty, so when The Husband and I started this little project, I kind of divided it into phases (in my mind). During Phase One, my main priority was to get through Rosetta Stone. I knew I would do other things like listen to podcasts in the car. I figured that if I worked through Rosetta Stone I would at least have organized lessons to do everyday that followed a prescribed order. I needed that since I really felt like I was starting from scratch.

Well I have finished Phase One and am excited to begin Phase TWO!!! Here's how it is going to work. I bought several books (for example, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Charlotte's Web, and Twilight) in SPANISH! Now I'm going to translate them! After looking at all of the books I have, I've decided to start with Charlotte's Web. It seems to be the easiest based on my experimenting a bit with a few different ones. I was actually able to translate it quite easily (without having to look up so many words). I'm also going to work on getting painfully familiar with verbs. I have a Spanish Verb Drills workbook that I've already started (yay!). Also, to help with the verbs and to continue building my vocabulary I'm going to put more time into using my flashcard program (that is on my phone).

I know these steps will help me but what will help me the most is actually USING Spanish at home! Early on we decided to spend XX minutes each day only speaking Spanish and we didn't really follow through. NOW IS THE TIME (AHORA ES EL TIEMPO!) I know we won't get any further in our Spanish studies if we neglect this.

So whatdaya think?

Oh, I've posted our weekly scores (almost up to date) on the Keeping Score page. It's kind of difficult to read. It sufficeth to say I've got the contest in the bag! Just put it this way, at the end of week 8, I was beating The Husband my 70 hours to his 52.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, Sis. Sanner you're doing an AWESOME job!!! You'll be fluent in NO TIME!!! Keep it up! I love hearing about your little adventures!
