In order to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid... -Epictetus

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Contest... Rules/El Concurso...Reglas

Alrighty,we totaled up our hours for the week. Chad did beat me. I studied 3.3 hours. The Husband studied a whopping 4.9 hours. We also set some goals and defined the rules a bit.
1. The person who studies the most (from the week ending May 15 until the week ending July 17th; 10 weeks) wins the head to head challenge.
2. In order to win any prize, each player must study a minimum of 50 hours.
3. The WINNER gets... well, I'd like to get a Kindle. The husband has not yet chosen an item.
4. If the LOSER studies over 50 hours in the alotted time, he or she will earn a buck for every hour studied.

So, the winnings could be FANTASTIC! A Kindle? Ooh, I've wanted one for quite some time! Cash? Not as cool but would be nice if spent on some iTunes music for my long Saturday morning training runs.

It's true, I am a wee bit concerned about competing against each other. As a rule, we tend not to do that! Since we set up a consolation prize, I think we'll be okay. Now, if I could only figure out a way to stifle his trash-talking... new rule? Only Spanish trash-talking allowed.

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